Retention Pond Maintenance & Upkeep in Georgia

Increasingly popular in residential areas, office parks, and other developed spaces, retention ponds are as beautiful as they are useful. However, without proper care, they can quickly transform into eyesores that endanger the buildings around them. Ground Force offers maintenance services that ensure that your retention pond provides benefits for years to come.

Benefits of Retention Ponds

Flood Prevention

The rainfall in North Georgia can reach up to and beyond 50 inches a year. On the one hand, this makes for beautiful greenery, and most of the state enjoys mild winters. On the other hand, the developed our cities become, the more we need a place for all that stormwater to go. That’s where retention ponds come in. They’re an excellent solution for holding runoff from rainstorms, which prevents floods.

Erosion can exacerbate flooding and can be prevented with maintaining appropriate vegetation around the pond. Some plants are too weak to maintain their grip in soil under the pressure of rainwater, and when they are pulled out of the ground, the space left behind is often flooded. There are specific trees and plants that can be planted around the perimeter of retention ponds to avoid this.

Water Quality

In areas where retention ponds have been installed, stormwater gathers in a more central location where pollutants and other impurities can be avoided. Retention ponds also allow for better absorption of rainwater, which increases clean groundwater renewal and can even help with water reuse. Some HOAs invest in retention ponds in their communities to improve the water quality throughout the neighborhood, ensuring that safe, drinkable water is easily available for all residents.

Recreation and Aesthetics

Even when installed for their utility rather than for scenic vistas, it is hard to deny the beauty of a water feature on any property. Even if left alone, ponds become gathering places for wildlife of all kinds, and an overgrown pond is eye-catching. However, landscaping with more intention can ensure that the shoreline of the retention pond is maintained for many years to come, avoiding erosion and degradation over time. Selective landscaping can create a stunning visual where the bright colors of flowers and grasses combine to make the community an even more attractive place to live.

Retention ponds, if large enough, can also be a great place to implement some recreational opportunities within the community, like fishing and boating. Some communities install walking paths alongside retention ponds, making them a centerpiece of the area’s outdoor space. Other features, like fountains, specialized wildlife viewing areas like bird blinds, and other design elements, can all come together to make a retention pond a major net benefit for a community.

Retention Pond Maintenance

In order to yield the greatest potential benefit from your retention pond, some maintenance is required. Weeds and other unwanted plants may find roots, which, left unchecked, may endanger the other plants in the area or even some of the wildlife. It’s also important to make sure that the retention pond is a refuge for wildlife that benefits the local ecosystem while simultaneously keeping out pests and not causing more trouble for the area. Ground Force offers a number of services that help ensure your retention pond remains both beautiful and purposeful, limiting the need for your own labor.
